Front page of the Herald Sun, Monday 15 January 2018:
“Victims whose homes are violated by intruders and ransacked while they sleep are being denied crime compensation… [l]awyer Joshua Reimer, who specialises in crime compensation matters, said there had been many cases in recent years in which cars had been stolen by thieves who entered houses and took keys in the dead of night.
He said he did not believe it was right to argue victims who slept through crimes did not suffer. ‘The counter-argument is people wake up and they are immediately traumatised,’ Mr Reimer said.
‘They’ve had their personal space invaded. That sense of personal security has been violated. That causes psychological injuries.’
Mr Reimer said his firm dealt with hundreds of VOCAT matters a year and had handled dozens in which householders became victims while they slept… [his] firm, Johnstone and Reimer, is looking for a case to take to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to clarify who is eligible.”
Read the full article here
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